Bueno, y para terminar esta semana, una segunda entrega de La Librería, y por lo que veis sigo con ilustración, y aquí os dejo uno de los mejores libros de ilustración que he visto en los últimos dos años. "The picture book. Contemporary ilustration edited by Angus Hyland".
Es de la editorial Laurence King, y no es nada caro para el tipo de libro que es, cuesta 19.95 Libras (25€), que realmente es un precio bueno para este tipo de libros. Recopila ilustraciones de cualquier tendencia contemporanea y de los mejores artistas de nuestro tiempo. Os puedo ganrantizar que como inspiración es infalible, y que encontrareis cualquier estilo del que busqueis en sus 343 páginas y 445 Ilustraciones. Sólo la portada, a mi, ya me parece una pasada de buena. Entre sus colaboradores podeis encontrar a gente de la talla de Spencer Wilson, Eduardo Recife, Gary Taxali... Que lo disfruteis.

Well, and to end this week, the second delivery of The Library, and for what you see I continue with illustration, and here I leave you one of the best books of illustration that I have seen in the last two years. " The picture book. Contemporary ilustration edited by Angus Hyland ".
Laurence King is of publishing, and is not not expensive at all for the type of book that is, costs 19.95 Pounds (25 €), that really is a good price for this type of books. It compiles illustrations of any contemporary trend and of the best artists of our time. I can ganranty you that as inspiration is infallible, and that you will find any style of which you are looking for in his 343 pages and 445 Illustrations. Only the cover, already looks like to me the spent one of good. Between his collaborators you can find people of the height of Spencer Wilson, Eduardo Recife, Gary Taxali... Enjoy.

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