Ya hace tiempo de este video, seguramente muchos lo visteis mil veces, es la intro de uno de los videos de Lakai, pero es que por mucho que lo vea, no deja de parecerme impresionante de chulo.
There it´s lot of time ago from this video, perhaps some of you alreaty seen, it´s a Lakai video intro, but it dosen´t matter the times I seen, it´s really cool.
Pronto estará a la venta esta libreta para diseñadores de moda. Me parece una muy buena idea, aunque por el momento es sólo un proyecto, que prometen sacar a la venta este año, y que por el momento podeis descargar de su web. Sólo tiene siluetas de mujer, pero si mucha gente lo pide, seguiro que también harán para hombre, ya que en su web están abiertos a las sugerencias.
Soon will be on sale this Fashion Designers Sketch Book. I think is a great idea, even at the moment it´s a proyect, they promess to put on sale earlier this year, but you can download from his web site. Only have female silouetes, but if a lot of peoople ask for, sure they will make another for man design, because in his web they have a part to send your sugestions.
Soon will be on sale this Fashion Designers Sketch Book. I think is a great idea, even at the moment it´s a proyect, they promess to put on sale earlier this year, but you can download from his web site. Only have female silouetes, but if a lot of peoople ask for, sure they will make another for man design, because in his web they have a part to send your sugestions.
Ilustraciones al más viejo estilo CIMOC o HEAVY METAL, una delicia para la vista. Que recuerdos más beunos me traen!. Link.
Ilustration with the old style of CIMOC or HEAVY METAL, a delight for sight. What a nice memories!. Link.
Ilustration with the old style of CIMOC or HEAVY METAL, a delight for sight. What a nice memories!. Link.
Desde el genial blog the NFG nos enseñan que todavía quedan grandísimos creativos. Esta campaña hecha para Saxso Funny es increible. Enhorabuena para los creadores. Video.
From the great blog of NFG they show us that still exist amazing creatives. This campaign for Saxso Funny it´s incredible. COngratulations to the creatives. Video.
From the great blog of NFG they show us that still exist amazing creatives. This campaign for Saxso Funny it´s incredible. COngratulations to the creatives. Video.
No tardaré en comprarme una, en cuanto ahorre un poquillo claro. Y es que lo de hacer obras de arte con laser sobre tablas de Skate es algo que me llega a excitar, más que nada porque se combina el arte con uno de los deportes que me ha visto crecer y con los que me he educado. En su Flickr vais a alucinar y con su web podreis ver las que venden. Te gusta el arte? pues dale al SK8!.
I will buy one soon, just I save some money. Make art with laser over Skateboards make me get excited, because combine art with one of the sport taht look me growing and educate me. In his Flickr you will be fascinated and with his web you can buy. Do you like art? so, play SK8!.
I will buy one soon, just I save some money. Make art with laser over Skateboards make me get excited, because combine art with one of the sport taht look me growing and educate me. In his Flickr you will be fascinated and with his web you can buy. Do you like art? so, play SK8!.
Dentro de mi minúscula colección de bicis, cuento con una que es sin duda mi favorita y de la que me siento un afortunado orgulloso poseedor, que es un modelo Cruiser. Hay una marca que es, para mi, la artesana de las cruiser, ELECTRA. Sus bicis son espectacularmente bonitas, las tendría todas, y tienen una web bien bonita tambien. Si os gustan las bicis, no dejeis de buscar por la rede de redes sobre este tipo de bicis, os prometo que encontrareis verdaderas joyas.
In my little bikes collection, I have have no doubt about my favourite model, this is a Cruiser bike. There is a brand that there is, for me, the artesans of this kind of bikes, ELECTRA. His bikes are espectacular and beautiful, I would like to have all of them, and his site it´s also very nice. If you like bikes, don´t forguet to look for this kind of bikes in Internet, I promess you taht will find real jewellery.
In my little bikes collection, I have have no doubt about my favourite model, this is a Cruiser bike. There is a brand that there is, for me, the artesans of this kind of bikes, ELECTRA. His bikes are espectacular and beautiful, I would like to have all of them, and his site it´s also very nice. If you like bikes, don´t forguet to look for this kind of bikes in Internet, I promess you taht will find real jewellery.
Hay gente muy buena con los vectores, pero luego hay verdaderos artistas de los vectores, y ántes que todos ellos está Jimiyo. En su blog pone muchos de sus trabajos, pero el mismo blog no tiene desperdicio.
There is very good people with vectors, but next there is really artists with vectors, and before of all of them is Jimiyo. In his blog there is a lot of his works, but just the blog it´s really nice.
There is very good people with vectors, but next there is really artists with vectors, and before of all of them is Jimiyo. In his blog there is a lot of his works, but just the blog it´s really nice.
Madrileño, fotógrafo y creativo. Asi os presento a este genial artista, de esos que a mi me alucinan, porque además de hacer fotos, juega con los conceptos, que mola mucho más. Me encanta su trabajo.
Spanish, photographer and creative. Like this I introduce you this great artist, of that ones that fascinate me, because apart of make pictures, play with the concepts, this is greatest. I love his work.
Spanish, photographer and creative. Like this I introduce you this great artist, of that ones that fascinate me, because apart of make pictures, play with the concepts, this is greatest. I love his work.
Gustav Klimt pintó uno de los cuadros más bellos de la historia, al menos en mi humilde opinión. Pero despues de leer este libro, os aseguro que os dareis cuenta de que guarda una historia genial detrás, como ya ha pasado con otros durante tiempos inmemoriales. Lo que parece un cuadro romántico a primera vista, tiene detrás un sinfín de secretos que podreis desvelar en este libro escrito por Elizabeth Hickey de una manera muy cautivadora. Espero que os guste. El título? EL BESO. La editorial? SUMA.
Gustav Klimt painted one of the most beautifull pictures of the history, at least in my modest opinion. But after read this book, I asure you tha you can check about the history behind it, as other pictures lot of years ago. This picture look so romantic at first look, but have a lot of secrets that you can discover in this book whrited by Elizabeth Hickey in a very charming way. I hope you liked. The title? EL BESO. The editorial? SUMA.
Gustav Klimt painted one of the most beautifull pictures of the history, at least in my modest opinion. But after read this book, I asure you tha you can check about the history behind it, as other pictures lot of years ago. This picture look so romantic at first look, but have a lot of secrets that you can discover in this book whrited by Elizabeth Hickey in a very charming way. I hope you liked. The title? EL BESO. The editorial? SUMA.
Si si, hecho de madera, y bien bonito. Me encanta cuando la veo que aún hay gente que puede desarrollar su creatividad sin que se la destrocen otros fracasados que no saben más que poner freno al progreso. Aqui teneis todo el proceso.
Yes yes, made of wood, and very nice. I love when I can see that still been people who can develop his creativity without other failed people who don´t know to do another thing instead to put brakes to the progress. Here all the process.
Yes yes, made of wood, and very nice. I love when I can see that still been people who can develop his creativity without other failed people who don´t know to do another thing instead to put brakes to the progress. Here all the process.
FELIZ AÑO A TODOOOOOS!!!!. Ya estamos de vuelta, y como es invierno, y los reyes se han portado... pues algo grande para comenzar. Grande como yo ahora mismo, que no veais como estaba el turrón de chocolate.
Estas imágenes son conocidas por todos, estareis cansados de ver sus porsters por todas partes, pero es que en su web hay imágenes geniales, y además cuenta la historia de una de sus más espectacualres fotos. Esa del faro con la ola gigante a punto de pillar al farero. Os aseguro que la historia es muy buena. Comenzamos!!!.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Here you are again, and because is winter, and Santa Claus was very good... so, something big. Big as me just now, because the chocolate nougat was really great. This pictures are knowed for all, you must be boring to see his posters in all places, but his site have really great images, and also tell the history of one of the most famous of his pictures. That with the big wave agains the lighthouse with the lighthouse man in the door. I asure you that the history it´s really great. We start!!!.
Estas imágenes son conocidas por todos, estareis cansados de ver sus porsters por todas partes, pero es que en su web hay imágenes geniales, y además cuenta la historia de una de sus más espectacualres fotos. Esa del faro con la ola gigante a punto de pillar al farero. Os aseguro que la historia es muy buena. Comenzamos!!!.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Here you are again, and because is winter, and Santa Claus was very good... so, something big. Big as me just now, because the chocolate nougat was really great. This pictures are knowed for all, you must be boring to see his posters in all places, but his site have really great images, and also tell the history of one of the most famous of his pictures. That with the big wave agains the lighthouse with the lighthouse man in the door. I asure you that the history it´s really great. We start!!!.
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