Los vikingos no han muerto, simplemente se han reconvertido en músicos. Cómo me mola esta gente!!!.
Vikings are not dead, they just restructuring himself in musicians. I love this people!!!.
No os imaginais cómo echo de menos el mar, y cuando descubrí las fotos de olas que hace Clark Little, casi me echo a llorar. Ni una sola tiene desperdicio.
You don´t imagine how much I miss the sea, and when I discovered the waves pictures of Clark Little, all most I start to cry. All of them are awesome.
You don´t imagine how much I miss the sea, and when I discovered the waves pictures of Clark Little, all most I start to cry. All of them are awesome.
Pues eso, que todos tenemos un pasado. Más aquí.
Sacado del siempre genial DesignYouTrust.
So that, all of us have a past. More here.
From the always great DesignYouTrust.
Sacado del siempre genial DesignYouTrust.
So that, all of us have a past. More here.
From the always great DesignYouTrust.
Por favor, que nadie se me olvide, el Sábado 28, desde las 20:30h. asta las 21:30h. todas las luces apagaditas vale?. Y al que se quiera extender un poco más, muchísimas gracias. Intentemos ayudar a que la poca vida que le queda a nuestro planeta (por nuestra culpa) sea un poco menos corta. Y ojalá este tipo de iniciativas se conviertan en una costumbre y no en un día especial al año. Gracias a todos por pensar en las generaciones venideras, en vuestros hermanos/as pequeños/as, primitos/as, hijos/as, sobrinos/as, etc, etc.
Please, nobody forgot, next Saturday 28th, from 20:30h. to 21:30h. all the lights of ok?. And for the people who want to extend a little more, thaks a lot. We have to try to extend the short life what have of our planet (because our fault), and make it less short. And I hope this kind of initiatives become a custom instead of a single day at year. Thanks to all of you who think in the next generations, in your small brothers and sisters, cousins, sons and daughters, nephews, etc, etc.
Please, nobody forgot, next Saturday 28th, from 20:30h. to 21:30h. all the lights of ok?. And for the people who want to extend a little more, thaks a lot. We have to try to extend the short life what have of our planet (because our fault), and make it less short. And I hope this kind of initiatives become a custom instead of a single day at year. Thanks to all of you who think in the next generations, in your small brothers and sisters, cousins, sons and daughters, nephews, etc, etc.
Os acordais the aquellas geniales películas como Cristal Oscuro, La historia interminable, Los Ewoks... a que eran geniales? pues esta que os traigo aquí promete ser tan genial como esas. Acusadme de infantil, pero ojalá todos fuésemos capaces de sacar al niño que duerme dentro de nosotros, y de hacer muy a menudo, seguro que el mundo sería un sitio mejor para vivir. La peli.
Do you remember that great movies like The Dark Crystal, Never ending Story, The Ewoks... great right? so, this one that I bring you here promess to be as great as all of them. Call me infantile, but I wish all of us can bring up the child who is inside of us lot of times, for sure this world could be a better place to live. The movie.
Do you remember that great movies like The Dark Crystal, Never ending Story, The Ewoks... great right? so, this one that I bring you here promess to be as great as all of them. Call me infantile, but I wish all of us can bring up the child who is inside of us lot of times, for sure this world could be a better place to live. The movie.
Este peaso de buga es único en el mundo, cuesta un pastizal de cuidado, y esta gente te lo hace para ti por tan solo 1.3 millones de dólares (unos 957 millones de euros), y que te lo ponen en casita oye!. No me digais que no os tienta eh? si es que quién dijo crisis?. El aparato.
This amazing car is just one in the world, but this people make you one by just 1.3 million US dolars (aprox 957 millon €), and they send to your home!. Don´t tell me about you are not thinking about to buy it? who say crisis?. The machine.
This amazing car is just one in the world, but this people make you one by just 1.3 million US dolars (aprox 957 millon €), and they send to your home!. Don´t tell me about you are not thinking about to buy it? who say crisis?. The machine.
Preciosas motocicletas, han sido diseñadas por Adrian Van Anz, que como podeis ver es un pedazo de diseñador. No me digais que no quereis una!. Link.
Beautifull moto-hybrid, it has designed by Adrian Van Anz, who as you can check is a great designer. Don´t tell me that you don´t want one!. Link.
Beautifull moto-hybrid, it has designed by Adrian Van Anz, who as you can check is a great designer. Don´t tell me that you don´t want one!. Link.
Audioslave es el grupo y nombre del disco que os traigo hoy. Ya que esta banda tiene otros, pero personalmente este es uno de los que más me gusta. Como dato os diré, para los que no lo sepais, que seguro que soys muy pococs, que el cantante de este grupo era el antiguo cantante de Temple of the Dog y despues de Soundgarden. Una de las mejores voces de la historia. Que lo disfruteis.
Audioslave is the band and the title of the album that I bring to you today. This band have another albums but this is one of the best for me. For the people who don´t know yet, but sure is a little, the voice of this band it was the voice of Temple of the dog and then the voice of Soundgarden, and one of the best voices in the music history. Enjoy it.
Audioslave is the band and the title of the album that I bring to you today. This band have another albums but this is one of the best for me. For the people who don´t know yet, but sure is a little, the voice of this band it was the voice of Temple of the dog and then the voice of Soundgarden, and one of the best voices in the music history. Enjoy it.
No os perdais esta joya que me he encontrado. Se trata de una guí sexual japonesa de no se qué año, pero la verdad es que es de lo más curiosa. Eso si, muy respetuosa con la pareja, cosa que hoy en dñia a veces a algunos les haría falta repasar, aunque en algunos punto la considero un poco machista. La guía.
Y no, no ha sido buscando páginas guarrillas que la he encontrado, malpensados!
This great jewel what I found in the net is a japanese sexual guide. I don´t know the year of printed but how odd!. One thing is true, is really respectful with the couple one each other, and this more than one today need to learn again, but in some parts I considere some sexist. The guide.
And no! it dosen´t loooking for dirty pages how I found it, evil-mindeds!
Y no, no ha sido buscando páginas guarrillas que la he encontrado, malpensados!
This great jewel what I found in the net is a japanese sexual guide. I don´t know the year of printed but how odd!. One thing is true, is really respectful with the couple one each other, and this more than one today need to learn again, but in some parts I considere some sexist. The guide.
And no! it dosen´t loooking for dirty pages how I found it, evil-mindeds!
Una de mis tiendas favoritas, UrbanOutfitters, ha sacado un juguetito de lo más interesante. Se trata de una cámara de fotos para montar por ti mismo. Garantizan que las fotos son de lo más interesantes, y no tengo duda de ello porque seguro que dependiendo de la avilidad de cada uno a la hora de montar cosas, saldrá cada experimento... Si alguien se atreve por favor que me mande los resultados. Yo quiero una!!!
One of my favourite shops, UrbanOutfitters, lounch a very interesting toy. It´s a photo camera to put up by yourself. They asure us about the results are very interesting, and I have no doubt about it because it depends of the skill of each one can be a really strange experiments. If somebody buy one, please, send me the pictures. I want one!!!
One of my favourite shops, UrbanOutfitters, lounch a very interesting toy. It´s a photo camera to put up by yourself. They asure us about the results are very interesting, and I have no doubt about it because it depends of the skill of each one can be a really strange experiments. If somebody buy one, please, send me the pictures. I want one!!!
Esto si que es una muy buena idea para hacer aún más apetecible una tableta de chocolate. Must Brothers Chocolate ha utilizado papeles industriales con originales patrones estilo Liberty de la marca Rossi, para recubrir sus tabletas y simplemente poner sus etiquetas encima. Cómo molaaaa!!!.
This is a really good idea to make chocolate even more desirable. Must Brothers Chocolate use some Liberty pattern papers of Rossi brand to cober his chocolate tablets, just put his brand stiker over the paper. Greaaaaaat!!!.
This is a really good idea to make chocolate even more desirable. Must Brothers Chocolate use some Liberty pattern papers of Rossi brand to cober his chocolate tablets, just put his brand stiker over the paper. Greaaaaaat!!!.
Allí donde ahora resido, las fuerzas de defensa son hechas de acero. Que no os lo creeis? mirad mirad!
A más de uno lo enviaba yo aquí para que aprendiera a ser más persona. jejeje
Where I live, the defence force are made of steel. Don´t you believe? look look!
A más de uno lo enviaba yo aquí para que aprendiera a ser más persona. jejeje
Where I live, the defence force are made of steel. Don´t you believe? look look!
Para relajarse un poco, qué mejor que un buen recopilatorio de buenas creatividades para la publicidad?. He vuelto, gracias a todos los ánimos de la buena gente, que lo es cada dñia más.
Para todos ellos este regalitio.
To relax a bit, nothing better than a good and big compilation of great creativities to the advertisment. I back, thanks to all the encourage from the good people, who is better every day. To all of you this present.
Para todos ellos este regalitio.
To relax a bit, nothing better than a good and big compilation of great creativities to the advertisment. I back, thanks to all the encourage from the good people, who is better every day. To all of you this present.
Este blog se va a tomar un par de semanas de descanso por motivos de fuerza mayor. Sólo quiero darle las gracias por ello a todos esos fracasados que nuca han podido llegar a diseñadores de absolutamente nada, pero por "razones desconocidas para la naturaleza", han llegado a pertenecer a puestos importantes en importantes empresas y se dedican a desprestigiar esta bella profesión, destruyendo el trabajo de los de verdad la amamos, la conocemos y sabemos cómo se hacen las cosas. A todos ellos les dedico este tiempo de silencio, porque finalmente conseguirán su objetivo, que es desprestigiar el diseño, el arte y el buenhacer. Un saludo.
This blog will take a couple of weeks to rest because it´s really necesary. Only thanks to the responsibles of that, all this losers who can not be designers in absolutely nothing, but by "strange natural reasons", they finally find an important job in also an important company, and spend his time to discredit this great profession, destroying the work of the people who really love it, wnow and can make the things correctly. To all of them I dedicate this silent moment, because finally they will get his target, what is destroy design, art and good making. Regards.
This blog will take a couple of weeks to rest because it´s really necesary. Only thanks to the responsibles of that, all this losers who can not be designers in absolutely nothing, but by "strange natural reasons", they finally find an important job in also an important company, and spend his time to discredit this great profession, destroying the work of the people who really love it, wnow and can make the things correctly. To all of them I dedicate this silent moment, because finally they will get his target, what is destroy design, art and good making. Regards.
Me encanta la ilustración, pero la fotografía tambien, y cuando veo como Kelly Thompson sabe hacer bien las dos cosas... me encanta doblemente!
I love ilustration, but also I love photography, and when I see that Kelly Thompson can make both of that things good... I love it in a double way!
I love ilustration, but also I love photography, and when I see that Kelly Thompson can make both of that things good... I love it in a double way!
Kim Høltermand's
Me han dejado realmente impresionado el portfolio de fotografías de Kim Høltermand's. No solo la composición, que es alucinante, sino también la postproducción que parece suave y deja un efecto espectacular. Es de Dinamarca, y nos regala esto. Enhorabuena.
The photo portfolio of Kim Høltermand's amazed me a lot. Not just the composition, that is great, also the postproduction what looks soft and have an espectacular effect. It´s from Denmark, and give us this. Congratulations.
The photo portfolio of Kim Høltermand's amazed me a lot. Not just the composition, that is great, also the postproduction what looks soft and have an espectacular effect. It´s from Denmark, and give us this. Congratulations.
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